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From bidding to winning

Vision, planning that reflects the identity and diversity of a place, planning, partnerships with networks and institutions, public participation and communication, finding resources, spaces and funds, sponsorship, risk assessment and impact analysis. Equally important tasks that build a new reality for the city by the year of the title. Undoubtedly a lot of work for a municipality entering such a process for the first time, creating its own cultural strategy and preparing in just 3-5 years. What is the previous experience on which the new proposal can be based? What are the basic conditions for the establishment of the new institution for Greek cities? With which tools is each city preparing itself for the title?

Workshop with:
Kelly Diapouli, Curator of the Mystery_56 4rd Culture 2030 Meeting – Artistic Director of “Larnaca 2030 European Capital of Culture, Candidate City”
Panos Gkiokas, Co-founder & CEO of “Mentor in Culture”, cultural management company
Yorgos Sarlis, Cultural manager, co-founder of “Mosaic // Culture and Creativity”
Ioannis Trochopoulos, Library Consultant – Negotiator

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