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Theme 1: Cultural Policy Issues

Under the first theme (T1) the following working groups were held: 


“Urban Cultural Strategy and Regional Cultural Policy Models”


Dr. John Ioannides, Cultural Manager, Director of the Organization of Local Government, Professor of the Hellenic Open University.


  • Konstantinos Gogos, President of the Cultural Center of the Municipality
    of Ioannina, Municipal Councillor
  • Dimitris Vassilopoulos, Vice Mayor of Ilion
  • Dimitris Papastergiou, Mayor of Trikala


“Cultural managers at the forefront: transforming the cultural habits of residents and artists”

Coordinator: Angeliki Lampiri, Director
of Cultural Strategy, Eleusis 2021,
European Capital of Culture.

  • Konstantinos Gogos,
    President of the Cultural Center
    of the Municipality of Ioannina.
  • Clymene Christoforou, Director D6:
    Culture in Transit, Expert Pilot Cities, UK.
  • Erifili Maroniti and Fivos Sakalis,
    Athens Culture Net Coordinators,
    Municipality of Athens.
  • Marta Martins, Artemrede
    Executive Director, Portugal.
  • Stefan Teisanu, Director of Cluj
    Cultural Centre, Romania.
  • Giorgos Foutas, Member of the BoD,
    Culture, Sports and Youth Organization,
    Municipality of Athens.

“The cultural capital of the city”


Nikos Panagiotopoulos, Professor of Sociology, University of Athens.


  • Theoklis Petros Zounis, Professor of Cultural Studies, University of Athens & Hellenic Open University.
  • Artemis Stamatelou, Museologist, Cultural Project Development Consultant.


“Cultural managers at the forefront: transforming the cultural habits of residents and artists”  


Angeliki Lampiri, Director of Cultural Strategy, Eleusis 2021, European Capital of Culture.


  • Maria-Louiza Laopodi Project Manager, START Program Create Cultural Change.
  • Photini Papahatzi, Project manager of ‘Home’, as part of the TANDEM Cultural Managers Exchange Turkey program.
  • Olga Daskali, Project manager of “Roots are Routes”as part of the programme START-Create Cultural Change, Project Manager of “SPEAK UP!” as part of the Actor of Urban Change programme.
  • Olga-Christiana Papadimitriou, Municipal employee, Municipality of Messolonghi.

“Towards a new institutional framework for cultural institutions in local government”


Athanasia Triantafillopoulou, Professor of Developmental Institutions of Local Government, Technological Educational Institute of Peloponnese. Stephania Xydia, Cultural Management Consultant, Co-founder of Place Identity Clusters.


  • Maria Philippi, Chief Executive Director of Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture.
  • Xeni Mpaloti, Officer at Greek Company of Local development and Governance.
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