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The field of artistic production

For the second theme (T2) the following working groups were held:

“The gaze of the other


Efi Giannopoulou, Consultant to the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports.


  • Iliana Kasa, English Literature and resident of Eleusis
  • Alsena Kokalari, Cultural Manager
  • Dimitris Plantzos, Deputy Professor of Classical Archaeology, University of Athens
  • Thodoris Prodromidis, Visual artist, Director
  • Enke Fezollari, Director, Actor

“When the artist becomes a local: artist-in residence programmes”


Eleni Riga, Head of Contemporary Art, Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture


  • Nikolas Ventourakis, Artistic Director of the Lucy Art Residency
  • Eva Ísleifs, Visual artist and Co-founder of A – DASH
  • Manolis Manousakis, Composer and Sound Designer, founding member of Medea Electronique
  • Benoît-Marie Moriceau, Mentor of the Initiator artist-in-residence program and founder of the Mosquito Coast Factory
  • Muriel Piquet-Viaux, Cultural attaché of the French Institute of Athens
  • Angeliki Poulou, Curator and Theorist, member of Medea Electronique
  • Petros Touloudis, Artist, Co-founder of Τinos quarry platform
  • Zoe Hatziyannaki, Visual artist and Co-founder of A – DASH

“Festivals and the city: the transformations of a centuries-old relationship”


Inge Ceustermans, Managing Director of The Festival Academy, an initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA), Belgium.


  • Kelly Diapouli, Artistic Director, Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture.
  • Jan Goossens, Director of Festival de Marseille, France.
  • Dio Kangelari, Theatrologist, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

“Municipal Regional Theaters as cultural development hubs: a journey from France to Greece”


Christopher Crimes, Former long standing Director La Filature France, Consultant and mentor – UK, France, Germany, Greece.


  • Gkigki Argyropoulou, Curator-Director. Stavros Tsakiris, Artistic Director, Municipal Regional Theaterof Patra.
  • Alexandra Vakalopoulou, Chair of the Board, Municipal Regional Theater of Ioannina.
  • Eleni Dimopoulou, Artistic Director, Municipal Regional Theater of Ioannina.

“Creating a friendly production environment for the independent field”


Muriel Piquet-Viaux, Cultural attaché of the French Institute of Athens.


  • Gkigki Argyropoulou, Curator-Director.
  • Aspasia-Maria Alexiou, Actor and Director’s Assistant.
  • Angeliki Zervou, Co-founder of Medianeras.
  • Eirini Linardaki, Visual Artist.

“The role of artistic director”

Coordinator: Kelly Diapouli, Art Director of Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture.


  • Inge Ceustermans, Managing Director of The Festival Academy, an initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA).
  • Christopher Crimes, Former long standing Director La Filature France, Consultant and mentor – UK, France,Germany, Greece
  • Jan Goossens, Director of Festival de Marseille.
  • Vangelis Theodoropoulos, Artistic Director of Athens & Epidaurus Festival
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