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Symposia (2023)

Symposia are about a new way of “connecting” between the meeting’s participants, speakers and artists. Symposia are actions, somewhere between a dinner and an artistic presentation. Seated around a table, participants get to know the artists, their backstories and careers…

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From bidding to winning

Vision, planning that reflects the identity and diversity of a place, planning, partnerships with networks and institutions, public participation and communication, finding resources, spaces and funds, sponsorship, risk assessment and impact analysis. Equally important tasks that build a new reality…

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Memory repurposed

Following the Mystery 85 CITY PATTERNS, the M2P group organises an experiential workshop that proposes a new look at patterns, their creative reuse and how tradition and memory can be an inspiration for new forms of creativity.   It introduces…

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Mystery of Theta

Fourteen young artists, students of the IX workshop of the School of Fine Arts, present the collective art exhibition the “Mystery Theta”, the result of long years of research and conversation with the Elefsinians, collectors, people who transfer the collective…

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