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People, Stories, Culture


The 2nd Culture 2030 Meeting, organized by the Elefsina 2021 European Capital of Culture, took place between 7-10 November 2019 at the Elefsina Worker’s Unions of Western Attica (EKEDA). On today’s societies of knowledge and creativity, man is an essential resource of the city and the economy in general, compared to the industrial era, when city development was based on the concentration of industrial production units. Today’s smart cities are those inhabited by smart people, capable of creative thinking, imagination, able to identify opportunities, imagine new possibilities and shape them, thus introducing new data, new needs and new habits in their cities.
This year’s Culture 2030 Meeting focuses on such people in the cultural sphere, their stories and the way these stories have reshaped and continue to reshape both the cultural sphere and the cities.


keynote speeches


working groups






EUphoria walk


Symposia with artists


the artistic production from inside


artistic programme

We are focusing on three themes: the field of cultural policy, the field of artistic production, and the field of creative economy in the city, which we approach through working groups consisting of guest speakers and participants who not only raise the issues but also give their own answers. Through the main speeches, the working groups, the networking activities as well as through a parallel artistic program, with walks, exhibitions, symposia and a project specially designed to celebrate the designation of Eleusis as the European Capital of Culture, we are creating a unique atmosphere which facilitates acquaintance and interaction among participants and at the same time we are inviting you to a celebration for the city,
residents and friends of Eleusis.

Keynote speakers
Katerina Grego
Curator, art historian, museologist
Judith Knight
Co-founder and former Artistic Director of Artsadmin (UK)
Vassilis Charalambidis
Director General of Bios, President of the European network of Creative Hubs
Keynote speeches
Artistic programme
Αn animated EUphoria
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