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Standing wave | Στατικό κύμα

The standing wave looks at the creative and artistic dimension of humans as individuals and as communities and examines how through their engagement with different art forms people go through a process of self-healing. Each and everyone of us hides an artist inside him and her and it is this artist of ours that contributes to the common health, growth and well-being of our society. It is he and she who approaches people and situations with empathy, who absorbs the atmosphere of a place or the memory of an emotion, (which is sometimes an unbearable burden). And it is he and she who then, through a multitude of art forms, diffuse this accumulated energy in everyday life. This experiential workshop by Cultterra art group, harmonizes guided meditation, pranayama techniques and creative writing and in collaboration with the city’s queer community.

by Cultterra Art Group

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