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T3: The field of the Cultural Industry

In the third theme (T3) the following working groups were held:

“Fabrication Matters: Constructing the Future of Cities”


Georgia Voudouri, Director of Cultural Industries, Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture.


  • Olivia Kotsifa, Architect, Educator, Co-founder of Fab Lab Cardiff and partner of the DecodeFabLab.
  • Emmanouil Leventianos, Mechanical Engineer, Community Manager at LUDD.
  • Konstantinos – Alketas Ougrinis, Associate Professor, School of Architectural Engineering, Technical University of Crete.
  • Alekos Pantazis, Member of the research collective P2P Lab.

“City and Designers: Local Creative Economies”


Georgia Voudouri, Director of Cultural Industries, Eleusis 2021 European Capital of Culture.


  • Despina Geroulanou, Member of the Administration Committee, Benaki Museum.
  • Maria Mparamili and Stelios Mavrodontis, Co-founders, When in Greece.
  • Dimitra Vasilakou and Aliki Kakoulidou, Graphic designers, Co-founders Metoo communication design.
  • Nikoletta Pantazi, Architect and Clothing Designer.

“Publications, cinema, radio and the conditions of their development in the region”


Efi Giannopoulou, Consultant to the Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports.


  • Electra Venaki, General Director of the Greek Film Centre (2016-2017).
  • Vangelis Galanis, Psychologist, Chief of Publications “Epekeina”.
  • Thanos Gogos, Poet, Co-editor of literary magazine “Thraka”.
  • Fay Katsari, Producer of Audiovisual Works.
  • George Bakalakos, Radio and Music Producer.
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